Dr. Guerena is a board certified urologist practicing in North County San Diego since 1995. He is currently an active staff member at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, North Coast Surgery Center, and Tri-City Medical Center. He has served as chief of the division of Urology at Tri­City for the past 10 years. He is currently a member of the governing board at North Coast Surgery Center.

Dr. Guerena is a Southern California native. He attended Loyola High School in Los Angeles. He graduated with a bachelors degree in Anatomy and Physiology from the University of California at Berkeley.

After his first 22 years in California, Dr. Guerena wanted to experience another portion of the United States. He enrolled in Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in Chicago. After receiving his doctorate in medicine, he continued his medical training with an internship and residency program at the Medical College of Wisconsin. While in residency he completed several research papers as well as authoring a textbook chapter on Prostate Cancer.

Dr. Guerena joined Dr. Bradley Frasier in 1995 and formed North Coast Urology Medical Associates, Inc. Dr. Guerena practices general Urology with special interest in minimally invasive treatment of kidney stones, female urology, and robotic surgery.

Dr. Guerena resides in North County with his wife and three sons.